Balloon Sweep

The Balloon Sweep is a dynamic and effective technique that uses leverage and momentum to elevate and sweep an opponent from the guard position. It is particularly effective when the opponent is overcommitted forward, making it easier to lift them with your legs and redirect their weight.

Key Principles

Angles and Leverage

  • Utilize your legs to elevate the opponent's center of gravity while creating a favorable angle for the sweep.

Grip Fighting

  • Secure strong grips, typically on the sleeves, collar, or pants, to control their movement and posture.

Momentum and Timing

  • Exploit the opponent's forward pressure or momentum to initiate the sweep.

Weight Distribution

  • Shift their weight to destabilize their base and make it easier to execute the sweep.

Steps to Perform the Balloon Sweep

Set-Up from Guard

Create the Elevation

  • Place your foot or shin against their hip or inner thigh for support.
  • The other leg should go under their center line, positioning to lift their weight.

Engage the Sweep

  • Pull with your grips to break their posture forward, ensuring their weight shifts toward you.
  • Simultaneously, use your legs to elevate their hips and torso into the air, much like a "balloon" being lifted.

Redirect Their Momentum

  • As they elevate, guide their motion diagonally or laterally to destabilize their base completely.
  • Use your grips to control their descent, directing their momentum to land in a favorable position.

Transition to a Dominant Position

  • As your opponent lands, follow the motion to end in a dominant position, such as Mount or Side Control.

Common Adjustments


The Balloon Sweep is highly effective in several scenarios:

  • Against opponents applying forward pressure in guard.
  • When you need to create space or counter their attempts to pass.
  • Transitioning into attacks like the Armbar or Triangle Choke during the elevation phase.

Keep your hip movement and frames active during the sweep to maintain control and prevent counterattacks.

By mastering the Balloon Sweep, you can add a powerful tool to your guard game that leverages your opponent's weight and posture against them, leading to advantageous positions or submission opportunities.

Advancing Balloon Sweep



  • After completing the Balloon Sweep, follow the momentum and land directly into the Mount by maintaining grip control and riding your opponent's movement.

Side Control

  • If your opponent resists being swept cleanly to Mount, guide their movement to land in Side Control by adjusting your grips and positioning during their descent.

Back Take


Triangle Choke

  • During the lift phase of the Balloon Sweep, if your opponent posts their arm forward or keeps it extended, trap their arm and transition into a Triangle Choke.


  • As your opponent elevates, control their arm with a Figure-Four Grip or by isolating their elbow, then transition into the Armbar while they are off-balance.


  • If your opponent defends by pulling back or stiff-arming, transition into an Omoplata by swinging your leg over their arm and flattening them out.

Mounted Triangle

  • After completing the sweep and landing in Mount, secure their arm and head, then transition into a Mounted Triangle by sliding your leg over their head.


Pendulum Sweep

  • If the Balloon Sweep motion stalls, adjust to a Pendulum Swing to redirect their balance and complete the sweep.

Scissor Sweep

  • If they attempt to resist or widen their base, switch to a Scissor Sweep by controlling their posture and using your legs to chop their base.

Butterfly Sweep

  • Transition to a Butterfly Sweep if your opponent starts retreating to regain posture; use your Hooks to lift and roll them over.


Toreando Pass

  • After completing the sweep and your opponent turtles or attempts to regain Guard, circle around their legs and use grips to execute a Toreando into Side Control.

Leg Drag Pass


Turtle Escape

Guard Retention

  • If your sweep fails and your opponent attempts a pass, use the lift momentum to reestablish Guard or transition to Butterfly Guard.


Trip from Guard Pull

  • If your opponent stands to defend the Balloon Sweep, switch to grips on their ankle or knee and execute a trip while retaining control of their upper body.

Double-Leg Takedown

  • During the sweep setup, if they posture too high and expose their base, transition to a Double-Leg Takedown by engaging their hips and driving forward.

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