- Bow and Arrow Choke
Bow and Arrow
The Bow and Arrow Choke is a highly effective gi submission in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that relies on the opponent's lapels to create a choking mechanism. It derives its name from the finishing motion, where you pull on the opponent's collar and their body in opposite directions, resembling a bow being drawn.
The Bow and Arrow choke is one of the most powerful submissions, especially from Back Control, combining Grip Fighting, Angles, and Pressure to secure a tight finish.
The Bow and Arrow Choke is a versatile and high-percentage submission, commonly executed from positions where you have strong control over the opponent’s upper body and access to their collar. Here are the key positions where the Bow and Arrow Choke can be applied:
The Bow and Arrow Choke is most effective when paired with positional control and precise grip setups, making it a reliable submission across various scenarios.