Smash Half

Smash Half is a dominant top position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu where the top player applies heavy pressure to flatten and immobilize the bottom player’s Half Guard. The focus is on pinning the bottom player’s hips and shoulders, disrupting their frames, and neutralizing their ability to move or attack. Smash Half is an effective method to pass Half Guard by using pressure and weight distribution to break through the bottom player's defenses.

Key Features of Smash Half

Body Position

  • Your hips and torso are positioned low, driving into the bottom player’s upper body and legs to restrict their hip movement.
  • Your weight is distributed heavily onto their chest and pinned leg to prevent escapes or sweeps.

Control Points

  • Control their far shoulder with a Crossface to turn their head and limit their mobility.
  • Use an Underhook on the far arm to dominate their upper body and secure control.

Leg Pinning

  • Pin their top leg (the one controlling your trapped leg) with your shin or chest to flatten their hips and neutralize their Guard.


  • Pressure is a key component, forcing the bottom player to carry your weight, which makes it harder for them to frame or recover guard.

Objectives of Smash Half

Flatten the Opponent

  • Use heavy weight distribution to prevent the bottom player from staying on their side, which limits their ability to defend.

Pass the Guard

  • Transition to dominant positions like Side Control or Mount by clearing their legs and establishing control.

Neutralize Attacks

  • Deny the bottom player’s ability to sweep, submit, or transition by isolating their hips and upper body.

Common Techniques from Smash Half

Guard Passes

Knee Slide Pass

  • Flatten their hips, control their far shoulder, and slice your knee through their guard to pass into Side Control.

Crossface Smash Pass

  • Maintain a strong Crossface and drive your hips into their top leg while circling around to pass.

Backstep Pass

  • Free your trapped leg by stepping backward over their hips, then rotate into a dominant position.


Arm Triangle

  • Use the Crossface and Underhook to isolate their head and arm, transitioning into the choke.


  • Flatten their arm and shoulder with the Crossface, then attack the far arm.


  • Secure their far arm when they attempt to frame or recover, applying the lock as you pass.


  • To Side Control by clearing their legs and securing chest-to-chest pressure.
  • To Mount by stepping over their hips once their guard is flattened.
  • To North South by transitioning your weight forward and circling around their head.

Defending Against Smash Half (Bottom Player)

Reestablish Frames

  • Use your forearms and knees to create space between your torso and theirs.

Recover Guard Shrimp your hips out while framing to reinsert your legs and recover to Closed Guard or Open Guard.

Attack with an Underhook Escape

  • Use a deep Underhook to escape to your knees or transition to a sweep.

Bridge to Off-Balance

  • Use a powerful bridge to disrupt their pressure and regain movement.

Tips for Effective Smash Half

  • Maintain heavy pressure on their chest and hips to limit their mobility.
  • Always fight for a deep Underhook and Crossface to control their posture and ability to defend.
  • Use small adjustments to keep your base stable while applying pressure.
  • Stay patient, allowing your pressure to wear down their defenses and create opportunities for passing or submissions.

Smash Half is a methodical and highly effective way to neutralize an opponent’s Half Guard while advancing to dominant positions. It exemplifies the importance of weight distribution, frames, and pressure in guard passing.

Advancing Smash Half

Transitions from Smash Half

To Side Control Top

  • Flatten their hips and clear their top leg using Crossface pressure, then slide your trapped leg free and establish chest-to-chest control.

To Mount Top

  • Once their hips are immobilized, step your free leg over their torso and secure Mount while maintaining pressure.

To North South

  • Shift your weight forward and circle around their head to transition into North South.

To Back Control

  • If they expose their back while defending, transition by securing Hooks and Underhook Control to take their back.

To Half Guard Passing Position

  • Loosen their grip on your leg and adjust to a more upright posture for dynamic passing options.

Submissions from Smash Half

Arm Triangle

  • Flatten their shoulders and hips using the Crossface and Underhook, then slide your body into position to secure the choke.



  • When they attempt to frame against your chest, trap their arm and secure the Figure-Four Grip, finishing the lock as you pass.

Straight Arm Lock

  • Pin their arm to the mat while controlling their upper body with the Crossface, then extend their arm for the submission.

Wrist Lock

  • Trap their wrist if they post on your chest or shoulder and apply pressure for the lock.

Sweeps from Smash Half (Bottom Player Defense)

Bridge and Roll

  • Use a strong bridge to disrupt their base, rolling them over if they overcommit forward pressure.

Deep Half Guard Sweep

  • Dive under their hips, securing Deep Half Guard, then off-balance them for the sweep.

Pendulum Sweep

  • Frame and angle your hips, using momentum to swing their trapped leg and sweep them to the side.

Passes from Smash Half

Knee Slide Pass

  • Flatten their hips and upper body with the Crossface and Underhook, then slice your knee through their guard to pass.

Backstep Pass

  • Free your trapped leg by stepping backward over their body, then rotate to secure a dominant position.

Crossface Smash Pass

Smash and Step-Over Pass

  • Flatten their hips and step your free leg over their guard, advancing to Mount.

Leg Weave Pass

  • Trap their legs together with your arm and pin them, then drive forward to complete the pass.

Escapes from Smash Half (Bottom Player)

Shrimp to Recover Guard

  • Use your forearms and knees to create space, then shrimp your hips back to recover Closed Guard or Open Guard.

Underhook Escape

  • Dig deep for an Underhook on their far side and use it to rotate to your knees or transition to a sweep.

Bridge to Off-Balance

Frame and Invert Escape

  • Frame against their chest or hips, invert your body, and roll to recover guard or escape.

Roll Under Escape

  • If they overcommit forward, roll under their hips to escape and recover guard.

Takedowns from Smash Half (Bottom Player Defense)

Sweep to Stand-Up Takedown

Tripod Sweep to Take Top

  • Off-balance them backward, then rise to a dominant top position using the momentum of the sweep.

Ankle Pick

  • Control their ankle from a defensive position and use forward pressure to take them down.

Smash Half is a dominant top position that emphasizes heavy pressure, frames, and strategic control to neutralize the bottom player’s movements, enabling seamless transitions, guard passes, and submissions. It is also critical for the bottom player to have strong problem solving and recovery techniques to counter its effectiveness.

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