Single-Leg X Guard

Single-Leg X Guard offers a dynamic mix of offensive and defensive techniques, allowing practitioners to sweep, submit, and transition effectively while neutralizing the opponent's base and posture. Mastering the hooks and grips is essential for control and flow in this position.

Transitions from Single-Leg X Guard

To X Guard

  • Elevate their leg higher, adjust your hips, and insert your other hook to establish full X Guard.

To Closed Guard

  • Pull their leg downward while retracting your legs to close around their waist.

To Deep Half Guard

  • Release the leg, dive under their hips, and position your body beneath them to secure Deep Half Guard.

To Standing

  • Sweep them to off-balance, then use the momentum to stand up and engage in takedowns.

To Leg Lock Positions

Submissions from Single-Leg X Guard

Straight Ankle Lock

  • Control their ankle with both hands while pressing your hips forward to attack their Achilles tendon.

Heel Hook

  • Isolate their leg and control their knee, then twist their foot inward to attack the ligaments in the knee.


  • Extend their leg while controlling their knee and ankle, applying pressure to hyperextend the knee.

Toe Hold

Sweeps from Single-Leg X Guard

Back Sweep

  • Use your hooks and grips to lift their leg while pushing their base backward, sweeping them.

Tripod Sweep

  • Control their ankle and knee while elevating their other leg, knocking them over.

Dummy Sweep

  • Collapse their weight forward by pulling their leg and tipping their balance to one side.

Elevator Sweep

  • Lift their trapped leg with your hips and elevate them to flip them over.

Technical Stand-Up Sweep

  • Use the off-balance moment to stand up, maintaining control of their leg to sweep them.

Passes to Counter Single-Leg X Guard (Top Player)

Backstep Pass

  • Rotate your free leg over their body and turn your hips to disengage and pass.

Knee Slide Pass

  • Pin their leg and slide your knee across their hip line, transitioning into Side Control.

Leg Drag Pass

  • Drag their leg across your body and pin it while advancing into a dominant position.

Smash Pass

  • Apply heavy pressure onto their legs to immobilize them, then work around their hooks to pass.

Straight-Leg Escape to Pass

  • Push down on their hooking leg, stand up straight, and step out to begin passing.

Escapes from Single-Leg X Guard (Bottom Player)

Roll-Out Escape

  • Roll forward or backward to disengage their control and recover guard.

Post and Stand Escape

  • Push down on their hooking leg, stand up, and use your free leg to break their grip.

Hip Switch Escape

  • Shift your hips away from their hooks, freeing your leg while maintaining balance.

Pummel Escape

  • Use your free foot to pummel their hooking leg off your hip and recover control.

Takedowns from Single-Leg X Guard

Sweep to Stand-Up Takedown

Ankle Pick

  • Control their ankle while driving forward to take them down once their base is compromised.

Tripod Sweep to Trip

  • After sweeping them backward, maintain grips and drive forward to a standing trip.

Back Take Transition

Advancing Single-Leg X Guard

Transitions from Single-Leg X Guard

To X Guard

  • Elevate their leg by lifting with your hips and adjust your hooks to insert the second leg under their opposite thigh, establishing full X Guard.

To Closed Guard

  • Pull their leg downward, retract your legs, and close your guard around their waist while controlling their posture.

To Deep Half Guard

  • Release their leg and scoot underneath their hips, trapping one of their legs to transition into Deep Half Guard.

To Standing

  • Use a sweep to off-balance them, then release their leg and perform a technical stand-up to rise.

Submissions from Single-Leg X Guard

Straight Ankle Lock

  • Grip their ankle with both hands, press your hips forward, and extend their leg to attack their Achilles tendon.

Heel Hook

  • Secure their heel by gripping it with one hand and controlling their knee line with your legs, then twist to apply pressure to their ligaments.


  • Trap their leg while extending your hips to hyperextend their knee.

Toe Hold

  • Use a Figure-Four Grip on their foot, twisting and applying pressure to their ankle and toes.

Sweeps from Single-Leg X Guard

Back Sweep

  • Use your hooks and grip to lift their leg and push their hips backward to sweep them onto their back.

Tripod Sweep

  • Control their ankle and knee, push with your foot on their hip, and pull to knock them over.

Dummy Sweep

  • Collapse their weight forward by pulling their leg while tipping their balance to the side.

Technical Stand-Up Sweep

  • Off-balance them with your grips and hooks, then perform a technical stand-up to take top position.

Side Push Sweep

  • Push their knee sideways with your free foot while controlling their ankle to disrupt their base.

Passes to Counter Single-Leg X Guard (Top Player)

Backstep Pass

  • Free your trapped leg by stepping over their body and turning your hips to disengage and pass.

Smash Pass

  • Drop your weight onto their hooking leg to immobilize their hips, then circle around to Side Control.

Knee Slide Pass

  • Pin their leg with your knee and slide through their guard, maintaining upper body control.

Leg Drag Pass

  • Pull their leg across your body, pin it with your weight, and move into a dominant passing position.

Standing Straight-Leg Escape

  • Straighten your trapped leg, post your weight forward, and step out to disengage.

Escapes from Single-Leg X Guard (Bottom Player)

Roll-Out Escape

  • Roll forward or backward to disengage their control and regain a neutral position.

Post and Stand Escape

  • Push their hooks off your hip, stand up, and re-establish control over their legs.

Hip Switch Escape

  • Shift your hips away from their hooking leg to create space and free your trapped foot.

Leg Pummel Escape

  • Use your free foot to pummel under their hooking leg, breaking their connection to your hip.

Takedowns from Single-Leg X Guard

Sweep to Stand-Up Takedown

  • Sweep them to off-balance and rise to your feet while maintaining control of their leg for a takedown.

Ankle Pick

  • After destabilizing their base, grab their ankle and push forward to complete the takedown.

Tripod Sweep to Trip

  • After completing a Tripod Sweep, maintain grips and drive forward to secure a standing trip.

Back Take Transition

  • Sweep them in a way that exposes their back, then climb to Standing Back Control to secure dominant positioning.

Single-Leg X Guard provides versatile options for both offense and defense, making it a powerful position to control opponents, attack with sweeps and submissions, and transition to dominant positions. Mastering its use requires precise grip fighting and hip movement.

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