- De La Hiva
- De la Riva Guard
- De La Riva Guard
De La Riva
The De La Riva guard is a highly versatile Open Guard variation in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is named after Ricardo de la Riva, who popularized the position. The guard involves hooking one leg around the outside of the opponent's leg while controlling their posture using grips on their sleeves, lapel, or pant legs. This guard is particularly effective against standing opponents and offers a wide range of attacks, sweeps, and transitions.
The De La Riva guard is a dynamic and strategic tool that connects seamlessly with other guard systems, making it a staple for advanced guard players.
The De La Riva guard provides a comprehensive toolkit for offensive and defensive options, allowing for fluid connections to other guards, sweeps, and submissions. It is ideal for controlling standing opponents and initiating transitions to dominant positions.