Rocking Chair

The Rocking Chair is a fundamental movement in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that uses a back-and-forth rocking motion to generate Momentum and transition between positions, recover Guard, or create opportunities for sweeps and attacks. This dynamic movement improves Core strength, balance, and timing, making it a versatile tool for both defense and offense.

Purpose of the Rocking Chair

Generating Momentum

  • The rocking motion creates energy for smooth transitions or explosive sweeps.

Guard Recovery

Dynamic Escapes

Setting Up Attacks

  • Creates angles or entry points for submissions or sweeps from Guard.

Step-by-Step Execution

Starting Position

  • Begin seated or on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the mat.
  • Engage your Core and maintain an upright or slightly tucked posture to prepare for the motion.

Initiate the Rock

  • Use your legs to drive your hips forward, rolling your weight back onto your shoulders.
  • Keep your chin tucked to avoid neck strain and allow a smooth arc-like motion.

Return to Seated

  • Rock forward using your Core and momentum, returning to a seated or upright position.
  • Use your legs for stability as you come forward.

Repeat or Transition

Key Principles

Core Engagement

  • A strong core is crucial to control the rocking motion and maintain balance.


  • Use the backward and forward rocking to generate energy for your follow-up.


  • Adjust the direction of your rocking motion to create new opportunities for sweeps or attacks.


  • Stay connected to your opponent when applicable to transfer the energy of the rocking motion into sweeps or positional control.

Common Uses of the Rocking Chair

Guard Recovery


Dynamic Escapes

Attack Entries

  • Transition into submissions like Triangle Choke or Armbar by using the rocking motion to create angles and break your opponent’s Base.

Drilling Tips for the Rocking Chair

Solo Drills

  • Practice rocking back and forth without using your hands, focusing on controlled movement and smooth transitions.
  • Combine with Shrimp or Bridge drills to simulate real scenarios.

Partner Drills

  • With a partner in your Guard, use the rocking motion to off-balance them and transition into sweeps or attacks.
  • Drill positional recovery by rocking back into Guard when your partner applies pressure.

Flow Drills

Positional Sparring

  • Start in bottom positions like Closed Guard or Butterfly Guard and use the rocking motion to execute sweeps or create offensive opportunities during live rolls.

Key Mistakes to Avoid

Flat Back

  • Not engaging your Core or rolling over your spine instead of your shoulders reduces control and effectiveness.

Jerky Motion

  • Uncontrolled or erratic rocking wastes energy and limits follow-up options.

Lack of Momentum

  • Insufficient rocking motion makes it harder to transition or sweep effectively.

Poor Posture

  • Starting with a slouched or disconnected posture reduces the effectiveness of the motion.

The Rocking Chair movement is versatile and adaptable. Focus on smooth, fluid motion during drills to build muscle memory and prepare for dynamic use in live scenarios. As you become more comfortable, experiment with integrating it into sweeps, escapes, and submissions.

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