Double Underhook Pass

The Double Underhook Pass is a highly effective Guard Pass that focuses on controlling an opponent's hips and Base to neutralize their Guard and advance to a dominant position like Side Control or Mount. It emphasizes Leverage, Pressure, and Weight Distribution to immobilize the opponent and prevent counterattacks.

Key Concepts

Control the Hips

Secure both of your arms under the opponent's legs, creating a strong Connection to their hips. This prevents them from using their legs effectively to retain Guard.

Establish Grips

Grip the opponent’s belt, pants, or hips securely to maintain control of their lower body. Ensure your grips allow you to lift and move their hips as needed.

Stack Your Opponent

Use forward Pressure to fold your opponent’s knees toward their chest. This disrupts their Base and makes it difficult for them to mount a defense.

Leverage and Weight Distribution

Drive your weight through your shoulders and chest into their legs and hips, ensuring you are using Leverage rather than raw strength.

Pass to Dominant Position

Once their hips are immobilized, begin moving around their legs. You can circle to either side or drive directly into Side Control while maintaining control over their legs.

The Double Underhook Pass is a versatile technique that works against various types of Guard and provides a strong foundation for controlling the opponent’s movements while transitioning to a dominant position.

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