Lapel Grip

A lapel grip in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu refers to gripping an opponent’s gi lapel to establish control, disrupt their posture, and create leverage for attacks or defense. Lapel grips are fundamental in gi BJJ and serve as the basis for many techniques, including guard play, guard passes, sweeps, and submissions.

Key Principles of Lapel Grips


  • A lapel grip gives control over the opponent’s posture, head movement, and upper body alignment.
  • By controlling the lapel, you can limit their mobility and create opportunities for attacks.


  • The lapel serves as a lever to off-balance the opponent, set up sweeps, or increase the effectiveness of chokes and submissions.

Grip Strength

  • A proper grip requires hand and wrist strength to hold the lapel tightly while resisting grip breaks.


  • Lapel grips are most effective when combined with positional Angles to create pressure or manipulate the opponent’s posture.

Types of Lapel Grips

Feed Lapel Grip

  • The lapel is passed from one hand to the other, often behind the opponent’s back or around their arm.
  • Commonly used in lapel guards like Worm Guard or for setting up Bow and Arrow chokes.

Over-the-Back Lapel Grip

  • Reach over the opponent’s shoulder and grip the back of their lapel.
  • Effective for controlling their upper body and setting up sweeps or submissions.

Brabo Grip

  • Grip the opponent’s far lapel near their shoulder or back, often used in passing or to set up the Darce Choke.

Applications of Lapel Grips

Guard Control


Guard Passing

  • Grip the opponent’s lapel to control their upper body and limit their ability to retain guard while executing passes like the Knee Cut or Over-Under Pass.


  • Lapel grips are commonly used to off-balance the opponent and create leverage for sweeps, such as the Tripod Sweep or Scissor Sweep.

Control and Offense in the Clinch

  • During stand-up exchanges, lapel grips are used to set up throws, takedowns, and counterattacks.

Common Mistakes with Lapel Grips

Ineffective Grip Placement

  • Gripping too low or too loose reduces control and effectiveness. Always grip high on the lapel for better leverage.


  • Holding a grip for too long without progressing can lead to counters or grip breaks by the opponent.

Improper Posture

  • Neglecting your own Posture while using lapel grips can make you vulnerable to sweeps or submissions.

Lack of Adjustment

  • Lapel grips often require dynamic adjustment to maintain control as the opponent moves or defends.

Tips for Effective Lapel Grips

  • Focus on grip strength and endurance through training and specific grip drills.
  • Always aim for precise placement of your grip to maximize control and leverage.
  • Combine lapel grips with complementary grips (e.g., sleeve or pant grips) to create stronger control points.
  • Use lapel grips to manipulate the opponent’s posture and angles to set up attacks or guard passes.

Mastering lapel grips enhances control, enables powerful offensive strategies, and improves overall effectiveness in gi BJJ. It’s a fundamental skill that is essential for success in both sport and self-defense contexts.